Monday, April 20, 2009

A new closing at Marabou Ranch

Spring is in the air and some people are beginning to see signs of a recovery. Even the national media is beginning to report some good news. Encouraging news from Marabou Ranch came in the form of a closing on a lot for $2.5M. Overall lot sales are limited right now so this speaks to the quality of the experience they deliver at Marabou, the relative value you can find in Steamboat compared to places like Vail & Aspen and people's continuing desire to spend more time in Steamboat Springs.

One home is coming along ahead of schedule and 2-3 others are expected to start building this spring once things dry out a bit. This is a pretty solid vote of confidence from down to earth Steamboat people who are very conscious of the national issues we are working through that don't take their actions lightly.

I have seen a significant rise in interest lately from some pretty careful clients who follow the markets closely along with several new clients referred by people who have worked with me before. They see an opportunity to meet long term goals in Steamboat and have me working on various options to see if I can find the right deal for them. I have enjoyed hearing their perspective on things and insights into the reasons they see this to be a good time. Let me know if you are curious about what is going on and want some honest insights into the current market in Steamboat. Call or email Jon: 970-819-6930 or

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